Pursuit Part 6

Oct 24th 2016

Are you going to take the seeds that were sewn in your life and do something with them?  We have heard the Word, but are we listening to it and following it?  Justin Henderson finishes our Pursuit sermon series by speaking out of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

Pursuit Part 4 – Justice For All

Oct 03rd 2016

Often, justice does not come in this life and, people die without justice!  This is a frustrating reality, as Solomon says.  Chris Brannon continues in our series, speaking on two realities regarding the injustices of life.  There is a set time for God to judge the righteous and wicked.  So rather than getting angry, depressed and frustrated about all the oppression we see in the world, we can trust God to make things right in the end.  Chris wraps up, giving us three things that we can do in light of these realities.  Join us as we continue in our series in Ecclesiastes.  This Sunday, 10am!

Pursuit Part 3 – Finding Joy Under The Sun

Sep 26th 2016

When we go through the unsettling, disquieting times, we must come to understand that is is not about what God is doing to us, through us, or around us as much as it is about what He is doing in us!!  Chris Brannon continues in our Pursuit series, speaking from Ecclesiastes 3:1.  He gives us four big ideas from the times of our life:  1. We are living in God’s appointed time. 2. God sends certain seasons at certain points of time. 3. Both the unsettling and the soothing times are meant for our good. 4. There’s a deep abiding purpose to everything we experience.  If you are in bad times, try not to look forward to some future good time. Instead, try to learn, rest and enjoy, even the feeling of sorrow that He’s letting you experience.  Are you holding on to things too tight?  Do you need to lay some things down?  Ask the Lord to take some of these things from you today!

Pursuit Part 2 – The Search for Satisfaction

Sep 19th 2016

Pleasure seeking is the ultimate escapism – not religion.  Chris Brannon continues in our Pursuit series by speaking on the search for satisfaction.  He explains the cost of looking for satisfaction apart from God, or under the sun.  Chris also gives us the 3 keys to true satisfaction.  Here are some questions for reflection as you listen:  1. In your past, what things have you pursued apart from God hoping that they made life meaningful and enjoyable? 2. Did those pursuits provide the lasting internal peace, joy, and satisfaction that you had hoped for? Why or why not? 3. Is there anything in your present that you are pursuing apart from God hoping that it makes your life meaningful and enjoyable? 4. Can you think of the last tine you were conscious of God’s presence and how that made the moment meaningful?  Join us as we continue in our sermon series in Ecclesiastes.

Pursuit Part 1 – Finding Meaning In Life

Sep 16th 2016

What makes life under the sun meaningless?!  Chris Brannon starts a new series in Ecclesiastes called “Pursuit:  Finding The Meaning of Life”.  He explains to us why life under the sun is meaningless and gives us questions for reflection:  1.  Why is it important for Solomon to expose the meaninglessness of this life for us?  Do you agree with his argument?  2.  Do you have the tendency to think that your satisfaction will be found in something you lack right now?  What would that be for you?  3.  How does Jesus bring significance and meaning to all your actions, including those that seem mundane and redundant?

Pursuit Preaching Series